DannaRaila started the topic Hey there, freshman! in the forum 人材の育成 Human Resource Development 4 years 8 months前 ·
If you could talk to animals and they would understand you, but you couldn’t understand them, what would you do with that power?
DannaRaila started the topic Hello, sunshine! in the forum 人材の育成 Human Resource Development 4 years 8 months前 ·
If you could have an all-expenses paid trip to see any famous world monument, which monument would you choose?
DannaRaila started the topic How does a lion greet the other animals in the field? A: Pleased to eat you. in the forum 人材の育成 Human Resource Development 4 years 9 months前 ·
What was the biggest realization you had about yourself?
DannaRaila は登録ユーザーになりました 4 years 9 months前 ·